Ocular Irritation Test for Cosmetics Manufacturers and Business Owners in Thailand and Asia

TIBD is a company with a strong focus on the health and beauty industry, and has an extensive expertise in this field. The company believes in strong collaboration and in bringing in all expertise together in order to provide excellent services to its customers. TIBD is in collaboration with top universities and research institutes in Thailand and around the globe.
Our head office is located in Bangkok, Thailand and we are happy to meet you in person and provide you consultation services regarding the ocular irritation test service and our other services that you are interested in. Please visit here to find out our other services.
What is an Ocular Irritation Test?
Ocular Irritation Test, known as Reconstructed Human Cornea-like Epithelium (RhCE) test, is an in vitro non-animal test. It uses reconstructed human cornea-like epithelium (RhCE) which closely imitates the histological, morphological, biochemical and physiological properties of the human corneal epithelium instead of using animals’ eyes. The test identifies if a test chemical could cause eye irritation or eye damage.
Four types of Ocular Irritation Test
The test is in accordance with OECD guideline 492, and there are four tests that are allowed under this guideline.Those four tests are as followed.
- EpiOcular™EIT(OCL-200)-VRM
- SkinEthic™ HCE EIT(HCE/S)-VRM2

Who should Apply for Ocular Irritation Tests?
We serve a wide range of customers, and among our customers are companies associated with the beauty industry such as cosmetic Ingredients Suppliers, cosmetic brand owners, entrepreneurs in the health and beauty industry, cosmetic Safety Testing Agencies, cosmetic private label manufacturers.
What are the benefits of conducting an Ocular Irritation Test?
There are numerous advantages for cosmetic brand owners to have their products have Ocular Irritation tested. A few from many benefits are listed below:
- The safety of consumers will be ensured.
- You will comply with product safety regulations of your respective country.
- You will prevent potential damage to your company and brand’s image.
- The report can be used as evidence of skin irritation tested.
- The test result can be used in marketing campaigns.